Wir feiern den Hutträger des Jahres 2024
Erstmals ist 2024 ein Comedian „Hutträger des Jahres“: Torsten Sträter. Er ist begeisterter Hutträger und hat den Goldhut des Hutverbands GDH dankend angenommen. Der Komiker und Schriftsteller kennt sich mit Mode...

We celebrate the hat wearers of 2023
This time the hat wearer of the year comes in a double pack - Kai and Thorsten Wingenfelder from Fury in the Slaughterhouse are the hat wearers of the year...

The perfect gift for Christmas - accessories for women
Romantic blowing snow, sleigh rides with the kids and drinking mulled wine at the Christmas market with friends or family - the nice side of a cold winter. Warm hats...

Sun, heat and UV radiation: protection in hot times
The temperatures are rising - but what helps against the heat and UV rays? Sun is good for you, but too much rays can be dangerous because sunlight contains dangerous...

Go to the Oktoberfest!
Ready for the most beautiful season? With a traditional hat you can really enhance your outfit for the Oktoberfest. The classic traditional hat relies on muted colors: black, brown, gray...